Saturday, June 12, 2004
  me missing a goal
Friday, June 04, 2004

Top Ten Songs which have helped shape my life (or at least my taste in music)

have u ever heard a song, and just wanted to hear more of the same.. it happens to me all the time. most of the time there is nothing the same.. and u jsut take what u can get.. but some songs spawn me off into a new direction in life.

10. Buttercup - Shonen Knife
i saw this on cartoon network as part of a promo for the Powerpuff Girls. and i was like "this song kicks ass" .. and i discovered this japanese punk band called Shonen Knife. i proceeded to leech tons of their stuff off napster.. including many cover songs like Top of the World and Daydream Believer. which are now two of my favourite karaoke songs. but more importantly it lead me to the lovely world of Punk Cover songs. also led me into japanese music...

9. Old Time Rock and Roll - Bob Seger
ok this is the only song on the list i dont have in mp3. we used to sing this song in primary school, and i was obsessed with it for ages. my dad still reminds me of it =p its pretty funny though.. like imagining me singing it when i was about 9 years old.

8. Leaving Home - Jebediah
i liked this song after seeing the stupid clip on Recovery. it involved this daggy superhero running about the place. I had no idea they were an australian band.. but Slightly Odway was the first album i ever bought.. and it propelled me into Australian Indy music. the album includes probly my favourite australian song Harpoon.

7. The Launch - DJ Jean
this was probly the first ever dance song i ever liked. it was heaps big back in the days when i first starting going clubbing.. back in those days WildFM was still a radio station and dance music was regularly in the top40. im totally off house music nowadays.. but its still a pretty cool song, it makes me wanna go dancing..

6. Ai No Hoshi - The Brilliant Green
i first heard this song at karaoke.. i think linda was attempting to sing it or something. it totally rocked my world. i went home and downloaded tons of their stuff (man it was hard to find). i own more brilliant green albums than i own fo any other band. they led me into other jpop but i still like them the best.. the have some pretty incredible english lyrics for a jap band too.

5. My Favourite Things - Sound of Music
meh.. i love musicals!! and this song is mostly why. it was my favourite song from my favourite muscial for ages. i used to sing it in class at high school.. pretty funny.. luckily no one was realy paying attention.. the teachers were too busy confiscating cigarettes or something.

4. Dont Mug Yourself - The Streets
this song kidna got me into some non-american hip hop.. it was was pretty catchy and all that jazz. lead me to appreciate hip hop which rhymes beats instead words. but the words are pretty significant too "why should she be the one who decides whether its off or on or on or off or on?". this line kinda impacted me.. it made me realise that i kinda let myself get jerked around heaps by girls. it made me step back and not be so desperate.

3. Sell Out - Reel Big Fish
this was the first song i ever downloaded as an mp3. my and my brother picked it at random from a leech ftp server we stumbled upon (this was the pre napster days). and i loved it. it got me into ska music. it mustve been destiny. Reel Big Fish is a mad conversation starter.. its like theyre not mainstream.. but well known enough that theres lotsa ppl to talk to about.

2. Whoomp, There It Is - Tag Team
this song pretty much got me into basketball. there was this clip on NBA Action which was Reggie and the Pacers kicking someones butt (probly the knicks) and this song was the bg music. its heaps mad, lotsa reggie nailed fade-away threes.. and doing a dance.

1. Tommorrow - Silverchair
along with Come Out and Play by the Offspring, this song came about the time when i was feeling the pinnacle of teenage angst. this song kinda brought about a lot of changes.. the rebelious side.. *cough* ahem.. well its all relative =p

ian's top 10 lists

01/01/2004 - 02/01/2004 / 03/01/2004 - 04/01/2004 / 06/01/2004 - 07/01/2004 / 07/01/2004 - 08/01/2004 / 09/01/2004 - 10/01/2004 / 07/01/2009 - 08/01/2009 /

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