Friday, March 19, 2004

Top Ten Contagious Words

these are words ive caught of other people jsut by hearing them over and over.. they are all words i commonly use and make up my rather unique everyday vocabulary.

10. sketchy
i got this one from Dan Lynch, a guy from my high school, who u most likely have never met. he is a pretty sketchy character. =p he made a point of purposely saying this word alot to spread it to other ppl.. and ive been stuck with it for about 4 years now...

9. crapsticks
this is a present from hunt. this probly deserves to be higher since ive even managed to spread it to the odd person here and there... i dont really like this one, but i cant really weed it out of my vocabulary.

8. whack
this is whack.. im heated up like a thermostat. doesnt really like in the conventional sense, but it sounds good in the song Lovesick by Gangstarr (get the mp3 on kazaa). its like the only line from the song i really remember well.. and whilst in japan we did a lot of attempted rapping. so i started saying everything was totally whack..

7. sic
i dun really know where this came from, but i do remember deehunt saying it a lot whilst we were at Blackstump last year.

6. mad
this has slowly been replaced by sic, but after working with this guy mike karbouris at work, i kept saying that everything was mad.. grr..

5. lightbulb
this is a term i picked up whilst in HK, apparently some word in canto for lightbulb vaguely sounds like some other word which means something like third wheel. i have no idea really.. but when i use it context around a honkie they always seem to find it funny.

4. ludicrous
i got this from repeatedly watching the movie Spaceballs. i used to say "ridiculous" all the time, and i kinda palmed that off onto Chito.. cos he says it heaps now. but i personally am saying ludicrous more and more everyday =)

3. wah lao
wah lao.. this ranks high cos pretty much every1 picked it up for a while from hearing sheralyns Singlish all the time =p its sorta been phased out though with the dissipation of anime club into some hardly recogniseable vapour.

2. totally
i can blame the Tan family for this one. i think i first heard it from Tracey, but i caught it from Shelly. this ranks up high cos i use it in front of almost every adjective now and even in front of the occasional verb =p totally whack, totally sic, totally mad..

1. woe
its a fair ways off snow season, but i cant hurt to start early. woe is the word of the winter.. it always seems to surface in sentences such as "this is so woe, that woebag totally woed up my board". this is another hunt word.. so he gets to rank twice =p im suprised there havent been any basketball words in here....
Sunday, March 07, 2004

Top Ten Interesting Things Ian Learnt About Japan

i jsut got back from japan.. and it is a rather interesting place.. heres somethings about it.

10. Silence is Bliss
whilst on a train in japan you must have your phone on "mana" (manners) mode.. which is like silent. it totally dishonors your family if your phone rings on the train. this poster explains to turn ur phone off.

9. Anime means pr0n
basically every anime store is 6 storeys high.. first two are manga.. next is merchandise.. then the top 3 are pr0n pr0n pr0n... of all kinds.. hentai comics.. hentai dvds.. live action cosplay pr0n dvds.. vcds.. school girl costumes.. panties for sale.. *shudders*

8. Amusement Centre means Pachinko
we search far and wide for a Dance Dance Revolution machine.. and only managed to find one in Shibuya (in a bulding filled with strip mahjong arcade machines), but whilst loking we found that looking for places normally associated with Street Fighter-like games such as Capcom, Namco or Sega "Amusement Centres" didnt really mean arcade machines.. it always meant isles and isles of middle aged jap men drinking and smoking in front of pachinko machines.

7. You Can Get Almost Anything From a Vending Machine
sadly the used panty vendign machines are a thing of the past.. but pretty much everything else is in a vending machine somewhere. some restaurants even have a ticket vending machine instead of a cashier. Although the legal drinking age is 20, u can buy beer from a vending machine on almsot every corner (sometimes 2 or 3 machines per corner). giant 1L beer cans come at a very reasonable 300Yen which is about $4. Cigarette vending machines are also heaps common.. as are instant ramen machines and those lil capsule toy things.

6. sars is hype
meh, on tv in australia u saw footage of jap ppl supposeldy "freaking out" by wearing these SARS masks... but ppl totally wear them all the time. see in japan it is common practice to wear a mask when u have a cough of a cold so u do not pass it on to anyone else. in fact ive heard that if u dont wear one you will dishonour your family in some way.. like for the net 4 generations.

5. pretty much everything dishonours your family
in japan there isnt much in the way of crime. its not like sydney where u have to grasp hold of your like you're trying t squeeze juice out of it. you can just leave your wallet and camera lying about feeling pretty confident that no one will take it for fear of dishonoring their family. this could also happen if ur phone rings on the train, or u forget ur sars mask whilst sick, if you put on make up on the train and to wear your shoe on the little raised bit in front of any hotel or anyone's house.

4. train system kicks ass
Cityrail sucks.. every1 knows thats.. but the rail sydney in japan totally rocks. we never waited more than 5 mins for a train ever! including the shinkansen. theyre fast and efficient albeit rather pricey. if you buy a ticket to the wrong station, the guy doesnt go "go fsk urself bitch" like they do in sydney. they have a Fare Adjustment Machine, where u insert your ticket, and then pay the difference. also if you are on a train and the inspector comes around, he doesnt slap u with a fine, he goes "where u going? .. oh thatll be 600 yen" and u buy the ticket and go on your merry way. we decided to pass on the chance to check out peak hour where ppl are crushed whilst trying to get on trains.. but ive heard its brutal. but other than that its better than Sydney trains in every possible way.

3. internet cafes kick ass
internet cafes are pretty swish over in japan. all the ones we went to were rather impressive. we could get private rooms, or at least a booth. they had manga libraries, DVDs, TVs, playstations, gamecubes and unlimited free drink refills =) twas so nice in fact, that we decided to stay a nite at one =p

2. niseko rox0rs my sox0rs
if i could rate snow other snow resorts as a percentage of goodness compared to Niseko, id give perisher a 0%. cos Niseko is inifinately better. the snow is a billion times better, the ppl are 10 times nicer (even though they dun speak english), the queue lines are so much shorter my brain cant comprehend it. they had electronic lift passes, so u could leave ur pass in ur pocket and jsut swipe it as u go past. also means no pass stealage like in perisher (although in japan thatd dishonor ur family anyway).

1. jap school girls cannot feel temperature in their legs.
so im walking around tokyo wearing every piece of clothing i bought.. and its about 3 degrees around town, and everywhere i look theres japanese schoolgirls wearing skirts shorter than a bad punk rock song. and its not like they wear stockings its jsut skirt, leg, sock in the freezing cold.. and they dont seem to mind. 
ian's top 10 lists

01/01/2004 - 02/01/2004 / 03/01/2004 - 04/01/2004 / 06/01/2004 - 07/01/2004 / 07/01/2004 - 08/01/2004 / 09/01/2004 - 10/01/2004 / 07/01/2009 - 08/01/2009 /

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